Legacy 2010: 170 Years of Jewish Life in Central Ohio, 1840-2010
April 12 through June 4, 2010
An exhibit and programs celebrating the
earliest Jewish settlers of Columbus and Central Ohio
and their impact on our area.
Created by the Columbus Jewish Historical Society.
Join us at:
Leo Yassenoff Jewish Community Center
1125 College Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43209
JCC Regular Building Hours
Monday - Thursday 5:30 AM - 10 PM
Friday 5:30 AM - 6 PM
Saturday 1:30 PM - 6 PM
Sunday 8 AM - 7 PM
Click here for directions.
Project Director: Toby Brief tbrief@hotmail.com
Project Archivist: Cindy McLaughlin cmclaughlin@tcjf.org
Webmaster: Jeffrey Zarate
jzarate@kent.edu |
From the Mountains to the Prairie:
350 Years of Jewish Life in America
First Ohio presentation of this traveling
exhibit which documents the life and U.S.
migration of Jews while maintaining their traditions.
Created by American Jewish Legacy.
Quick Links
Columbus Jewish Historical Society
Columbus JCC
American Jewish Legacy
Find us on Facebook 