Photo Gallery: Exhibit Development
- Planning phase
- Volunteers helping out
- Jeff Zarate talking to a Kent State Archives class about the upcoming exhibit
- Toby Brief and Eric Norris making the peddler’s cart
- Coming together now
- Finished product
- Margie Hollander & Judy Oppenheimer with mother, Mrs. Harriet Korn describing loaned artifacts
- Students from Columbus Torah Academy with instructor Steve Guinan & Helena Schlam prepare to film promotional video
- Skip Yassenoff and Toby Brief with one of our display panels
- CJHS presents Legacy 2010 to Yom Limud educators
- CJHS Archivist Cindy McLaughlin and Gayle Strege preparing exhibits for Legacy 2010
- Heather Mitchell, Leslie Yenkin and Rebecca Andersen work on the Digital Stories which will be shown at Legacy
- Unloading the truck with the Legacy 2010 exhibit, April 7, 2010
- JCC lobby filled with the Legacy 2010 exhibit