Topy Photo Collection

From the Ohio Jewish Chronicle, September 15,1950: “So anxious were they to see the new Jewish Center, that the children of the Schonthal Day Camp jumped the gun and made an informal tour of the building before its official opening. They are pictured at the entrance to the new building, with Bob Kaplan, director of the Camp.
The campers are only one of the many groups who have stopped in to look over the plant, and to learn about the facilities for the activities that are in store for members.” (CJHS HT 472)

From the Ohio Jewish Chronicle, May 28, 1948: “In the photo above, the cornerstone for the new Hillel Foundation is shown being lowered into position. (From left to right) Leo Yassenoff, Dean Joseph A. Park, Vice-pres. Dr. B Stradley, I.W. Garek, Dr. Howard L. Bevis, Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld, Harry S. Goldstein, Rabbi Harry Kaplan, Mrs. E.J. Schanfarber, and Ed Schlezinger.” (CJHS HT 218)

From the Ohio Jewish Chronicle, June 4, 1948: “The above participated in the first annual Class Day Exercises of the Confirmation Class of 1948, held at Bryden Rd. Temple this morning (June 4). From left to right are: David Hillel Folkman, Judith Ann Forman, Sandra Rockoff, Judy Roth, James Barnett Feibel, Gloria Muriel Cohen, Marilyn Weisskerz, Benita Judith Brandwene, and Robert Clayton Rosenfeld.” (CJHS HT 227)

From the Ohio Jewish Chronicle, June 1, 1951: “On hand May 20 for the 50th anniversary celebration of Broad St. Temple included the above: Martin J. Polster, president of the Congregation: Rabbi Nathan Zelizer, Morris Polster, Dr. Moshe Davis (guest speaker) and Louis Schlezinger.” (CJHS HT 556)

From the Ohio Jewish Chronicle, November 17, 1950: “Shown showing off the square dance is part of the complete B’nai B’rith Social Group committee. The dance is at the Jewish Center, Thanksgiving night. Shown standing left to right: Leonard Grigst, Dr. Jack Miller, Saul Sokol, Julian Barnett, Sanford Topolosky, Si Sokol, Robert Horowitz, and Coleman Goff. Seated: Seymour Luckoff, General Chairman: Harry Bruce, Al Howard and Gene Hameroff.” (CJHS HT 514)

From the Ohio Jewish Chronicle, August 25, 1950: “Bowling Chairman Iz Harris and Manager Gordon Bennett inspect the pit behind the lanes, complete with automatic ball-lift and pinsetter. Among the many new features will be arrow-markings on the lanes for “spot” bowlers.” (CJHS HT 489)

Green Cabs Baseball Team of 1947. Pictured from left to right: (front row) ?, Kenny Kauffman, Lou Berliner, Don Erkis, Joe Zimmerman and Larry Gordon. (back row) Harry Munster, Maury Maggied, ?, Sam Gordon, ? (CJHS HT 043)

B’nai B’rith Musical Show, 1947. Pictured here from left to right: ?, Ruth Friedberg Sobel, ?, Doris Monet, ?, Mazie Cohen Feinstein (CJHS HT 010)

From the Ohio Jewish Chronicle, July 15, 1949: “The “line-up” reads, left to right: Herb Wise, president of the local B’nai B’rith lodge; Dr. Don Shusterman, honorary life-time chairman of the league’s board of directors, and a 15-year president; Judge Rodney Ross; Lou Levin, president of the SML; Mayor Rhodes; Nick Barack, director of the city recreation dept; Bill Jonas, leagues treasurer; and Ben Ratner, vice-president of the league, and anniversary day chairman.” (CJHS HT 293)

From the Ohio Jewish Chronicle, August 20,1948: “In the picture above, photographed by Herb Topy, is the ambulance which is the local B’nai B’rith’s main contribution to the Aid-to-Israel campaign being conducted nationwide. At the left is Chairman Arthur Loch, Jr., presenting a check to Donald Snider for the vehicle, Snider, in turn, is handing the certificate of title to Mr. Abraham Gertner, president of Zion Lodge 62 of Columbus.” (CJHS HT 367)

From the Ohio Jewish Chronicle, February 11,1949: Pictured above are the participants in the panel discussion which will be held as part of the city-wide Brotherhood Film Festival. Left to right are Mr. Orville Jones, Educational Director, Ohio CIO Council; Rabbi Nathan Zelizer, Tifereth Israel Temple; Dr. Bernard Mindlin, Chairman, Columbus Chapter American Veterans Committee; Dr. Milton McLean, Counselor of Religious Activities at Ohio State University; Rev C.F. Jenkins, Second Baptist Church; Mrs. Fenton Fish, Director, Ohio Council of Church Women, and Mr. Seymour Gorchoff, Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. (CJHS HT 258)

From the Ohio Jewish Chronicle, June 3, 1949: “Miss Jackie Cohen, 650 S. 22nd St., was crowned Queen of the Ball last Monday evening at the Neil House, during the 9th annual Aleph Zadik Aleph Sweetheart Dance. Competing with Miss Cohen for the honor were the Misses Friema Goodof, Doreen Block and Barbara Stein.
In the above photo, taken by the Herb Topy Studios, the 1949 Sweetheart is surrounded by officers of three host chapters for the dance. Admiring Miss Cohen, her trophy and her roses are, left to right: Bernard (Buzz) Kantor, Aleph Godol of AZA chapter 498; Si Sokol, president of BBYM, and Bob Feldman, Aleph Godol of AZA chapter 155.” (CJHS HT 310)

B’nai B’rith Show November 1-2, 1947. Pictured in back row: Charlie Ross and Dave Feerer. Front row: Harry Rosenthal and Iz Harris. (CJHS HT 003)

From the Ohio Jewish Chronicle, abt. 1949: “Pictured above left to right, seated: Harriett Fisher, Secretary; Si Sokol, President; Bernie Speyer, Vice-President; standing: Claire Robins, Vice-President: and Bernie Cohen, Ex-officio. Not present was Herbie Weyl, Treasurer.”(CJHS HT 380)

From the Ohio Jewish Chronicle, January 10, 1947: “Allen Gundersheimer is shown here at the left as he received the Sanford I. Lakin Memorial Award. Making the presentation is Stanley Schwartz, right, chairman of the award committee. Samuel Luper, center, is the new president of Columbus B’nai B’rith which sponsors the award.” (CJHS HT 0159)

From the Ohio Jewish Chronicle, August 24, 1956: United Synagogue Youth was very active at Temple Tifereth Israel. Six USY members from the Temple attended Regional Camp Crusy at Grass Lake, Michigan in August, 1956. Shown here are: Marcia Lipson, Rosalie Tieman, Sherri Rosen, Stephanie Lando, Fred Abramson, and Benson Roth. (CJHS HT 1331)

From the Ohio Jewish Chronicle, August 10, 1956: “These members of Boy Scout Troop 126 recently received awards at the Jewish Center. Left to right front row: B. Goodman, R. Bender, S. Rosenthal, J. Brandon, S. Polster, R. Westerman; Back row: D. Friedman, B. Rose, B. Cohen, M. Ochs, H. Epelbaum, H. Weiner, R. Zelizer.” (CJHS HT 1325)

Excelsior Club Swim Team, abt. 1955
Bottom Row: Marilyn Goldfarb, Joanie Levin, Ina Sue Valcov, Harriet Davidorf, Gayle Kaplan. Middle Row: Jack Tolpen, Stan Meyers, Carol Michaelson, Dody Schwartz, Jeannie Henkin, Larry Zipser, Larry Harris, ?, unk. lifeguard, Jack Shelton- lifeguard & coach. Top Row: Andy Glassman, Jeff Paine, Bobby Hepps, Barry Kayne, Brian Michaelson, Ronnie Levine (CJHS HT 1326)

From the Ohio Jewish Chronicle, October, 1967: The Columbus Chapter of Hadassah sponsored the movie “Impossible on Saturday” as a fundraiser for Hadassah on October 24, 1967. Proceeds went to the Hadassah Vocational Education Program. In the photo from left to right: Mrs. S. Leonard Bloom, Mrs. Dora Abrams, Mrs. Jules Duga, Mrs. Stephen Baskin, and Mrs. Barry Goodman. (CJHS HT 2798)

From the Ohio Jewish Chronicle: November 27, 1969: On December 4, 1969 local women modeled at the Columbus Sheraton Motor Hotel. The All-Israel Fashion Show was a benefit for Israel Bonds. In the photo from left to right: Marji Garek, Inez Feitlinger, Marji Gurvis, Betty Glick, and Billie Sloan. (CJHS HT 2948)

From the Ohio Jewish Chronicle, July 20,1951: In preparation for the first midnight swim-dance, these members of the Jewish Community Center young adults program pose on the JCC diving board. Dancing was under the stars from 9 p.m. until midnight and at midnight the dancers were to head to the pool for a swim. Shown on the board are: Shirley Berman, Iz Mendel, and Honey Fisher. (CJHS HT 588)

1949 01/29 Sorority dance. Among the guests were Howie Silverstein, Sanford Hepps, Herbie Meizlish, Stan Katz, Gordon Zacks, Nat Marks, Alan Greenfield, Gloria Cohen, Barbara Wilson. (CJHS HT 276)

The consecration of the cornerstone at Agudas Achim Synagogue’s new location at the corner of E. Broad Street and Roosevelt Ave took place in July, 1951. Here the crowd listens to the speeches. (CJHS HT 592 HT2380)

The teenage youth group of Beth Jacob Congregation met with over 100 teens from around the state for the 12th annual “Sabbath With The Rabbi” weekend. The theme for this meeting in November, 1972 was “Sabbath in Moscow”. This program was initiated by Rabbi David Stavsky to show youths a model of what a sabbath should be like. Show from left to right: seated Marc Shar, Joseph Goldmeier. Standing: Michael Grinblatt, Lori Romanoff, and Kathy Sigal (CJHS HT 3088)

The B’nai B’rith Zion Lodge sponsored a float in the Ohio Sesquicentennial parade in Columbus in May, 1953. The Menorah was the theme of the float. The candles were represented by members of the B’nai B’rith Women. On the float were: Mrs. Bernard Byrnes, Mrs. Si Kahn, Mrs. Isadore Gurevitz, Mrs. Sanford Tuckerman, Mrs. Robert Masser, Mrs. Grant Brandon, Mrs. Eugene Hameroff, and Mrs. Al Gingold. (CJHS HT 791 Topy #5005)

The June 1954 confirmation class of Agudas Achim Congregation is assembled in front of the ark in the main sanctuary. From left to right, seated: David Goldfarb, Elaine Zeff, Marsha Schwartz, Arlene Coopersmith, Rita Lasky, Rosalie Tieman; and standing, left to right: Ronald Reich, Jeffrey Bender, Byron Kohn, Mrs. Harry Schwartz, Cantor P.H. Gellman, Rabbi S.W. Rubenstein, Abe Wolman, Mrs. S.W. Rubenstein, David Segel, Warren Udisky, Mrs. Gabriel Zisenwine, Mr. Harry Schwartz. The interior of this Orthodox synagogue was considered very modern when it was built in Bexley in 1950, replacing a synagogue built in 1909 in the “old neighborhood” at Washington Avenue and Donaldson Street just east of Downtown. The “new” Agudas Achim did not have a women’s balcony, and like a fair number of modern Orthodox congregations in the United States during the immediate postwar period, allowed men and women to sit together in the center aisles. The building, on East Broad Street at Roosevelt Avenue, still houses the congregation. The building was significantly remodeled in 1975 and again in 2003, and the congregation joined the Conservative movement in 2004.

From the Ohio Jewish Chronicle, May,1950: Herbert Wise, immediate past president of B’nai B’rith Zion Lodge presents the gavel to Leon Friedman, incoming president as I. W. Garek, center, looks on. At one time, Zion Lodge was the largest lodge in the entire B’nai B’rith organization, and the lodge served as a organized voice for the Jews of Central Ohio in dealing with political and social issues in the community at large, as a venue at which Jews of various backgrounds and religious outlooks could come together in support of common goals and charitable work, and as the primary social outlet for Jewish men in Central Ohio. Although Zion Lodge is no longer active, its legacy lives on in organizations as diverse as the Jewish Community Center, Ohio State’s Hillel Foundation, and the Anti-Defamation League. (CJHS HT 406)

During a ceremony on October 30, 1949, Joseph S. Summer lays down mortar for the cornerstone of the Jewish Center being built on College Avenue just south of Livingston Avenue. Summer was chosen for this honor as a grandson of Joseph Schonthal (known affectionately as “Pops” Schonthal), who in 1918 had purchased a building on East Rich Street in Downtown that was used as a community meeting space and as a center for youth activities. Built for $650,000, the “new” Jewish Center contained an auditorium, bowling alley, basketball courts, a swimming pool, classrooms and a sauna, and its location recognized the movement of the Jewish community into the east side of Columbus and the nearby suburban enclave of Bexley. A more modern facility, built on the same site and named the Leo Yassenoff Jewish Community Center, replaced this building in 1983. The JCC now also operates facilities in Dublin (northwest Franklin County) and New Albany (northeast Franklin County) as the Jewish community has grown and expanded.

Around 1940, Martin Godofsky opened a grocery store at 1381 E. Livingston Avenue at Ellsworth Avenue in the Driving Park neighborhood of Columbus. During the 1940s, Driving Park was the main Jewish neighborhood in Columbus, and Martin’s thrived as a source of kosher meats as well as general grocery items. The store was also a gathering place for women in the community. Many women did not work outside the home after having children, and they needed to go the grocery store several times a week because refrigerators — which had only recently become common items in most kitchens — had small storage capacities. This store was closed in 1952 after Godofsky opened a new location on E. Broad Street at Chesterfield Road, just east of Bexley, joining much of the Jewish community which was moving out of Driving Park. The building at Livingston and Ellsworth is still standing today. Martin’s moved in 1970 to its final location at E. Broad Street and Maplewood Avenue in Whitehall. Today at the Broad and Maplewood location is a Kroger’s that contains the area’s only kosher butcher shop.